I was surfing on SEO blogs the other day and I ran into a super little SEO campaign management tool called Raven. I clicked on their video tour and I was very impressed with the functionality of their platform and the way they created their help system. It seems like they thought of just about everything in beta, and rolled it out finished the first time. Of course I have not used their system yet, but I will try them out as soon as I start another SEO project.Continue reading →
Pure Chaos…
Forgive me Blog, for I have slacked. It has been two months since my last blog post…
As I was fixing the image for this post, I got a random tweet from a friend of mine that was tailored just for this entry, it seems. It’s a Nietzsche quote that says simply:
Though we have heard of stupid haste in war…
… cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.

The quote in the beginning of this post is from The Art of War. Art of War has always been important to me. I explained it to someone last night by saying “Christians look to the Bible for advice. I read Sun Tzu.”
It may time again to pull steaks, break camp and journey to the next destination. This time is a little bit different then in the past though. I have moved around quite a lot between 1994 and 2004. From Colorado to New Hampshire; Washington, and back; then to Boston, down the mid Atlantic seaboard to Virginia, where I sojourned in a few different cities.
The only things I ever took with me was whatever I could fit in whatever transportation I could dig up. Each time I packed up and left, it was typically to run away from some problem that I may, or may not have caused. I always found greener pastures and brighter shores, and I always ended up learning new methods that women use to break a man’s heart. Each time I landed in a new place, I was able to take everything I learned in the past and use it to grow my experience and wisdom. It was a very exiting and constructive way to spend my twenties, I think.Continue reading →
Developments in Development
I have spent more time building out this blog, and no time writing in it. I got a sweet new template, that I did almost no customization to, and installed a fancy-shmancy Twitter widget that doesn’t always work. It’s kind of like buying a big, fancy flower pot and letting the dandelions take over. Sitting down to write recreationally just doesn’t feel like it’s time well spent to me. Furthermore, having a blog with it’s own domain seems more serious, for some reason. In the past I have blogged on Livejournal, SuicideGirls, Friendster and Myspace, however it was always to a specific audience. Now it feels like I’m out there, without the comfort of top friends, for all the world to judge. Plus I have two other blogs that I have much more reason to write in, and I don’t ever update those either.
I have been busy however. I have projects I’m planning, projects I’ve started and projects to finish. I also have a bit of a rant to go on about the company I started this year.Continue reading →
Back in Business
On May 3, 2003 I opened the doors of my first company. Panic! was the brainchild of Marco Hyder, a Virginia Beach tattoo artist who I knew as a friend of some friends. We had high hopes for the place, despite it being doomed from the very start. Neither one of us knew much about running a business; not to mention the fact that it was quite possibly one of the most clusterfucked and unstable periods in my life. The store was pretty cool though, and I learned a hell of a lot from it too.Continue reading →